just serve

"...when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”

mosiah 2:17

Burns Ward


Elder's Quorum

Relief Society


upcoming temple opportunities

Feb. 28th - Mar. 1st 
Roots Tech Family History Conference
(Register Online)

May 11th - EQ Temple Trip
July 14th - Ward Temple Day
Sep. 21st - RS & EQ Temple Trip
Nov. 9th - Youth Temple Trip

Elder's Quorum

Relief Society

2024 Youth Activites & Events













27th - Bi-Stake Dance @ Redmond Stake Center 7-10 PM, Youth 14+
28th - Worldwide Discussion Event

7th & 21st - Class Activities

6th - Class Activity
9th - Stake Ski Activity @ Hoodoo, Ages 12+
23rd - Ward Youth Temple Trip

3rd & 17th - Class Activities
20th - Bi-Stake Formal w/ Redmond, Ages 16+

1st, 15th & 29th - Class Activities
4th - Trampoline Zone, Ages 12+

5th - Class Activity
17th-22nd - Bend Stake YW Camp @ Camp Esther Applegate

17th & 31st - Class Activities

7th - Class Activity
TBD - Back to School Carnival & Cowboy Dance @ Redmond

4th & 18th - Class Activities
14th - Stake Combined Women Service Activity

2nd & 16th - Class Activities
12th - #DOCBOMBS Devo/Dinner 12+ & Dance 14+
27th - Worldwide Testimony Event for Youth

TBD - Class Activities
9th - Ward Youth Temple Trip

4th & 18th - Class Activities
8th - First Presidency's Christmas Devotional


divine connections:

what opportunities will you find to better serve your community?

  • These opportunities are for the sole purpose and pure desire to help others in need, regardless of their beliefs. These are not proselyting ventures.

  • We may not solve world hunger immediately, but by serving with each other in our local communities, we're paving the way for much broader changes. Our individual efforts don't need to be huge—a little bit of change here, a few hours there—but, even small efforts quickly add up to make a real difference.
  • Visit JustServe.org or download the JustServe app to find and sign up for service projects that meet your skills, interests and availability.

  • Volunteer through JustServe.org as individuals, families, quorums, Relief Society groups, classes or wards. Anyone in the community may use the JustServe.org and the app.

  • Faith-based, non-profit, community and government organizations are invited and authorized to post their own volunteer needs. Everyone is welcome to use the website to find and post volunteer opportunities. 

Credited to JustServe.org & JustServe Community Service Guidebook

Burns Ward

How can you serve today?


"JustServe.org is designed as a resource to help us as individuals, families and groups find opportunities near our homes to help those in need and improve the quality of life in our communities."

-The First Presidency

Upcoming Events

See events

"Often, the answer does not come while we're on our knees but while we're on our feet serving the Lord and serving those around us." 

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf